H. Dong
24 records found
Wood biomass fly ash (WBFA) has emerged as one of the most dominant by-products in the biomass energy sector. Circulating WBFA for construction practice can mitigate the secondary pollution caused by improper ash management, and provide a new material source to compensate for the
Ferric-rich sulfoaluminate cement (FR-SAC) prepared from solid waste has attracted more and more attention. However, the mineral compositions of solid waste-based FR-SAC clinkers are changeful due to the complex composition of raw materials. In this study, the influences of miner
Due to low activity or long mineralization time, traditional mineral agents for self-healing concrete generally need a long time to achieve a desired repair efficiency. Inspired by epoxy resin AB glue which can consolidate in a short time when mixing the two components together,
This paper presents experimental investigations into the effects of ultrafine blast furnace slag on microstructure improvements against chloride penetration in saturated and unsaturated cementitious systems exposed to cyclic drying–wetting conditions. The hydration kinetics of ul
Alkali activated slag (AAS) has shown promising potential to replace ordinary Portland cement as a binder material. Synthesized from industrial by-products, AAS can show high strength, thermal resistance and good durability. However, AAS has been reported to exhibit high autogeno
Each year a large amount of construction and demolition waste (CDW) is generated in the European Union. For sustainability development the CDW is recycled and re-used. To promote the use of CDW, recycled aggregates from CDW were incorporated in alkali-activated concrete (AAC), wh
Solid waste-based calcium sulfoaluminate (SW-CSA) cement is a type of low carbon cement that uses solid waste as raw material. It is usually used to prepare lightweight porous concrete (LPC) due to its short setting time. However, high water absorption of LPC based on SW-CSA ceme
This paper investigated the feasibility of using biomass fly ash (BFA) to prepare alkaliactivated slag and fly ash paste. The reference mixture was alkali-activated slag and coal fly ash (CFA) paste with a slag-to-coal fly ash ratio of 50/50. In other mixtures, coal fly ash was r
This study aims to provide a better understanding of the autogenous shrinkage of slag and fly ash-based alkali-activated materials (AAMs) cured at ambient temperature. The main reaction products in AAMs pastes are C-A-S-H type gel and the reaction rate decreases when slag is part
In this study, internal curing by superabsorbent polymers (SAP) is utilized to mitigate self-desiccation and autogenous shrinkage of alkali-activated slag (AAS) pastes. Absorption and desorption kinetics of SAP incorporated in AAS pastes were studied with X-ray tomography. Intern
Carbonation of hydrated cement paste (HCP) causes numerous chemo-mechanical changes in the microstructure, e.g., porosity, strength, elastic modulus, and permeability, which have a significant influence on the durability of concrete structures. Due to its complexity, much is stil
In the social background of population ageing, this paper addressed the issue of social isolation and loneliness. Reflecting on the current design for social connectedness. We advocate a positive perspective to older people and consider design as mediation for social connection.
Ferric-rich calcium sulfoaluminate (FR-CSA) cement is an eco-friendly cement. Fe2O3 exists in different minerals of FR-CSA clinker, e.g., Ca4Al2Fe2O10 (C4AF), Ca2Fe2O5 (C
Chloride-induced corrosion is a critical issue for RC structures. Cement-based coatings can be used to protect concrete structures with unsatisfactory quality against chloride ingress. To evaluate the effectiveness of the coatings to extend the service life of coated concrete str
Drying of cement-based overlay systems is a critical issue, because it causes differential shrinkage between the overlay material and the concrete substrate and may induce cracking or debonding of the overlay material. In this paper the mechanisms of moisture transport in hydrati
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) measurements are widely used to determine pore throat size distribution (PSD) curves of porous materials. The pore throat size of porous materials has been used to estimate their compressive strength and air permeability. However, the effect of
A typical cement-based exterior wall consists of a top coat, a base coat, an insulation layer, a steel frame and an interior layer. The top coat and the base coat are often made of mortar. Efflorescence at the surface of the top coat is a critical problem from the aesthetic point
Concrete is currently the most widely used material in construction field. A good performance of concrete structures is required for reaching the designed service life. However, the initial scatter in the quality of concrete is unavoidable in practice, possibly resulting from imp
Effect of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) on the freeze–thaw resistance of concrete
Results of a RILEM interlaboratory study
This article presents the results of an interlaboratory experimental study performed by 13 international research groups within the framework of the activities of the RILEM Technical Committee 225-SAP “Applications of Superabsorbent Polymers in Concrete Construction”. Two commerc