Brian V. Balgobind

4 records found

To study radiotherapy-related adverse effects, detailed dose information (3D distribution) is needed for accurate dose-effect modeling. For childhood cancer survivors who underwent radiotherapy in the pre-CT era, only 2D radiographs were acquired, thus 3D dose distributions must ...
Performing large-scale three-dimensional radiation dose reconstruction for patients requires a large amount of manual work. We present an image processing-based pipeline to automatically reconstruct radiation dose. The pipeline was designed for childhood cancer survivors that rec ...
In retrospective radiation treatment (RT) dosimetry, a surrogate anatomy is often used for patients without 3D CT. To gain insight in what the crucial aspects in a surrogate anatomy are to enable accurate dose reconstructi ...
3D dose reconstruction for radiotherapy (RT) is the estimation of the 3D radiation dose distribution patients received during RT. Big dose reconstruction data is needed to accurately model the relationship between the dose and onset of adverse effects, to ultimately gain insights ...