B. Prasse

19 records found


Transition from time-variant to static networks

Timescale separation in N -intertwined mean-field approximation of susceptible-infectious-susceptible epidemics

We extend the N-intertwined mean-field approximation (NIMFA) for the susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) epidemiological process to time-varying networks. Processes on time-varying networks are often analyzed under the assumption that the process and network evolution hap ...

How temporal modulations in functional interactions are shaped by the underlying anatomical connections remains an open question. Here, we analyse the role of structural eigenmodes, in the formation and dissolution of temporally evolving functional brain networks using resting ...

Researchers from various scientific disciplines have attempted to forecast the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The proposed epidemic prediction methods range from basic curve fitting methods and traffic interaction models to machine-learning approaches. If we co ...

During the outbreak of a virus, perhaps the greatest concern is the future evolution of the epidemic: How many people will be infected and which regions will be affected the most? The accurate prediction of an epidemic enables targeted disease countermeasures (e.g., allocating ...

A network consists of two interdependent parts: the network topology or graph, consisting of the links between nodes and the network dynamics, specified by some governing equations. A crucial challenge is the prediction of dynamics on networks, such as forecasting the spread o ...

We analyze continuous-time Markovian ϵ-SIS epidemics with self-infections on the complete graph. The majority of the graphs are analytically intractable, but many physical features of the ϵ-SIS process observed in the complete graph can occur in any other graph. In this work, ...

Epidemics on Networks

Analysis, Network Reconstruction and Prediction

The field of epidemiology encompasses a broad class of spreading phenomena, ranging from the seasonal influenza and the dissemination of fake news on online social media to the spread of neural activity over a synaptic network. The propagation of viruses, fake news and neural act ...

Infectious diseases typically spread over a contact network with millions of individuals, whose sheer size is a tremendous challenge to analyzing and controlling an epidemic outbreak. For some contact networks, it is possible to group individuals into clusters. A high-level de ...

Large-scale neurophysiological networks are often reconstructed from band-pass filtered time series derived from magnetoencephalography (MEG) data. Common practice is to reconstruct these networks separately for different frequency bands and to treat them independently. Recent ...

The majority of epidemic models are described by non-linear differential equations which do not have a closed-form solution. Due to the absence of a closed-form solution, the understanding of the precise dynamics of a virus is rather limited. We solve the differential equation ...

Mapping functional brain networks from the structural connectome

Relating the series expansion and eigenmode approaches

Functional brain networks are shaped and constrained by the underlying structural network. However, functional networks are not merely a one-to-one reflection of the structural network. Several theories have been put forward to understand the relationship between structural an ...

Initially emerged in the Chinese city Wuhan and subsequently spread almost worldwide causing a pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2 virus follows reasonably well the Susceptible–Infectious–Recovered (SIR) epidemic model on contact networks in the Chinese case. In this paper, we investigat ...

At the moment of writing, the future evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic is unclear. Predictions of the further course of the epidemic are decisive to deploy targeted disease control measures. We consider a network-based model to describe the COVID-19 epidemic in the Hubei prov ...

The underlying core of most epidemic models is the graph that specifies the contacts between healthy and infected individuals. However, in the majority of applications, the contact network is unknown. To understand and predict an epidemic outbreak nonetheless, network reconstr ...

The SIS dynamics of the spread of a virus crucially depend on both the network topology and the spreading parameters. Since neither the topology nor the spreading parameters are known for the majority of applications, they have to be inferred from observations of the viral spr ...

The majority of research on epidemics relies on models which are formulated in continuous-time. However, processing real-world epidemic data and simulating epidemics is done digitally and the continuous-time epidemic models are usually approximated by discrete-time models. In gen ...


Exact network reconstruction from observations of the SIS process in discrete time would be very useful if possible, with implications for tracking the spread of infectious diseases, trends and news on social media. It could provide estimates for the strength of links in a networ ...
Epidemic models are applied to describe epidemic processes such as the spreading of infectious viruses, opinions and fake news on real-life or online
social networks, and to analyse the epidemic processes mathmatically. The viral state evolution is closely related to the unde ...