
B.A. van Driel

10 records found


This work reports the analysis of the time-resolved photoluminescence behaviour on the nanosecond and microsecond time scale of fourteen historical and contemporary titanium white pigments. The pigments were produced with different production methods and post-production treatm ...

Fluorinated-titanium dioxide (TiO2-F) nanoparticles in a pure anatase polymorph was precipitated from solution by hydrolysis of titanium oxychloride, using urea and ammonia as precipitation agents and potassium fluoride as a source of fluorine anion. A further wet a ...

Twentieth century paints often contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide based white pigments that can range from photostable to highly photocatalytic. Photocatalytic pigments can cause the degradation of paint upon UV exposure, whereas photostable pigments may be benign or can ...

White, Friend or Foe?

Understanding and predicting photocatalytic degradation of modern oil paintings

This dissertation presents a study into the ultraviolet irradiation-initiated degradation phenomena occurring in titanium white containing oil paints, commonly referred to as photocatalytic degradation. The topic of this thesis can be summarized as: the (photocatalytic) propertie ...

The white of the 20th century

An explorative survey into Dutch modern art collections

White pigments were abundantly used in 20th century paintings, and relate to several degradation risks such as titanium white mediated photocatalytic binder degradation or zinc soap formation. Knowledge about the white pigments that were used is essential for risk assessments of ...
This study reports on the effect of artists’ paint formulation on degradation rates of TiO2-based oil paints. Titanium white oil paint exists in a multitude of different recipes, and the effect of the formulation on photocatalytic binder
degradation kinetics is unknown. These ...

Titanium white (TiO2) has been widely used as a pigment in the 20th century. However, its most photocatalytic form (anatase) can cause severe degradation of the oil paint in which it is contained. UV light initiates TiO2-photocatalyzed processes in the pa ...

As linseed oil has a longstanding and continuing history of use as a binder in artistic paints, developing an understanding of its degradation mechanism is critical to conservation efforts. At present, little can be done to detect the early stages of oil paint deterioration du ...

Titanium dioxide is the most abundantly used white pigment of the 20th century. The pigment is still in use, both in the production of contemporary art and for the conservation of older artwork as a retouching pigment. Unfortunately, next to its positive characteristics, the pigm ...

Jackson Pollock’s Number 1A, 1948

A non-invasive study using macro-x-ray fluorescence mapping (MA-XRF) and multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) analysis

Jackson Pollock’s Number 1A, 1948 painting was investigated using in situ scanning macro-x-ray fluorescence mapping (MA-XRF) to help characterize the artist’s materials and his creative process. A multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) approach was used ...