S. de Wit
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Even though the field of Computer Science (CS) affects different aspects of society, several groups of society are underrepresented, including women and nonbinary people. Children might have different learning opportunities in CS due to their project preferences. Girls are likeli
Children's Interest in a CS Career
Exploring Age, Gender, Computer Interests, Programming Experience and Stereotypes
Background and Context. Increasing gender diversity in the field of Computer Science (CS) benefits the economy as well as gender equality. However, several obstacles - including underdeveloped CS interests, lack of programming experience, and a misfit with the stereotypes of comp
Women are underrepresented in Computer Science (CS). Closing the gender gap in CS benefits the economy, gender equality and society. However, girls have low CS interest while interest energizes learning and guides career trajectories. We explore the effects of the user interface
Motivation Only 27% of computer and mathematical scientists in the United States and 18% of IT specialists in Europe are women. The under-representation of women in the field of Computer Science is, among other things, influenced by stereotypes of computer scientists. These stere