The Fast Downward planning system is currently mainly used for solving classical problems. Another alternative to Fast Downward is SymbolicPlanners, which sacrifices speed for generality and extensibility. SymbolicPlanners is missing landmark based planners and landmark extractio
The Fast Downward planning system is currently mainly used for solving classical problems. Another alternative to Fast Downward is SymbolicPlanners, which sacrifices speed for generality and extensibility. SymbolicPlanners is missing landmark based planners and landmark extraction algorithms. The research question we are trying to answer in this research paper is: What design choices can be made to adapt the forward propagation extraction algorithm into SymbolicPlanners?
The forward propagation landmark generation design choices are discussed and implemented in SymbolicPlanners. The runtime performance of the implementation is only about two times slower than the Fast Downward implementation. Another aspect of the implementation is the incorrect amount of landmarks generated in complex problems caused by limitation in the relaxed planning graph from SymbolicPlanners.