Architecture embodies cultural, social and historical values which shape the human experience and our identities. Nevertheless, the past and present destructions of historically significant buildings erase part of our collective memory, silencing stories of the past. One solution
Architecture embodies cultural, social and historical values which shape the human experience and our identities. Nevertheless, the past and present destructions of historically significant buildings erase part of our collective memory, silencing stories of the past. One solution to the vanishing matter of the past is the reconstruction of those historic structures.
This research aims to explore the process of reconstructing vanished structures to remind of the history rooted within structures, particularly focusing on authenticity. Through tracing the historical background of heritage preservation, official rules and guidelines and the analysis of case studies, a holistic understanding of authenticity beyond tangible aspects is achieved.
A conclusion is drawn that authenticity in reconstructive projects involves preserving the full historical narrative, acknowledging each period – the ‘golden days’ as well as the destruction and absence – within the design.
Within the project developed, the idea of fully representing the historical narrative is tested and applied.