
M.T.A. van Thoor

58 records found

Bespreking van de boeken van:

Arjan den Boer, Bettina van Santen en Ronald Willemsen - Utrecht bouwt 1945-1975.

Judith van Hoogdalem en Botine Koopmans - Post 65 – een turbulente tijd; Architectuur en stedenbouw in Den Haag 1965-1995.

Marcel Barzilay, R ...

Erfgoed van na 1965 in rijksbezit

De overheid als rentmeester en inspirerend ambassadeur

Met het vertrek van rijksbouwmeester Floris Alkemade komt een einde aan een aantal van zijn zogenoemde Ambassadeursprojecten. Deze voorbeeldprojecten van het Rijksvastgoedbedrijf hebben tijdens de zittingsperiode van Alkemade speciale aandacht gekregen. Ze houden verband met de r ...

The Story of Water

The Dutch Legacy at World Expos

Several of the contributions to this issue on authenticity conclude by asking whether the concept of authenticity is a credible criterion. According to UNESO’s Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, a monument designated as world heritage ...
Ruim veertig jaar geleden, in 1978, werd een nummer van het Bulletin knob gewijd aan de problematiek van de architectuurrestauratie. De bijdragen weerspiegelen de standpunten van de auteurs over restauratiefilosofie en -theorie en het is opvallend dat het begrip authenticiteit to ...



Rietveld Schröder House is one of the most representative work of the Dutch De Stijl movement. The house represents Mrs Schröder’s pursuit of a modern, open lifestyle. Moreover, it is also the first batch of restored modern architectural heritage, which is a milestone for Dutch a ...

An extraordinary photograph

Gerrit Rietveld, Mart Stam and El Lissitzky at the Schröder House, 1926

The Schröder House, designed in 1924 by Gerrit Th. Rietveld (1888-1964) in close collaboration with the client Truus Schröder-Schräder (1889-1985), has been photographed countless times.1 Most of the photographs of this well-known monument are architectural photographs, of its ex ...
The Rietveld Schröder House (1924) in Utrecht is the only private home among the ten UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Netherlands. In 1987 it was opened to the public as a museum house and since 2013 it has been part of the collection of Utrecht’s Centraal Museum. The world-fam ...
The Rietveld Schröder House (1924) in Utrecht is the only private home among the ten UNE SCO World Heritage sites in the Netherlands. In 1987 it was opened to the public as a museum house and since 2013 it has been part of the collection of Utrecht's Centraal Museum. The world-fa ...

Kyoto's Landscape

A close look at the Meirin District

Sanjo Street, the old road to Tokyo, is a lively street in the middle of Meirin District in the heart of Kyoto. People live, work, shop and stroll there. The street, like all others in the district, is made up of houses and shops, restaurants, workshops and kinds of activity. The ...
The collaboration between KIT and TU Delft started out with the central theme of machiya, a traditional type of wooden townhouse, known in Kyoto as kyomachiya. Rather than Kyoto’s pre-eminent monuments like shrines, temples or one of the 17 world heritage sites, the vernacular ar ...

'Back to Cuypers'

The restoration of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam