Pete Thomas

16 records found

Mobility and environmental benefits of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) systems have been reported by many previous research studies, however, there is insufficient knowledge on the safety implications of such an application. For safe deployment of GLOSA system, it is m ...
Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) enabled by Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) has potential to change future transport systems. The findings from previous studies suggest that these technologies will improve traffic flow, reduce travel time and delays. ...
Shared Automated Vehicles (SAVs) hold great promise for the future of urban mobility. Automated ride-sharing services are expected to alleviate traffic congestion, reduce traffic emissions, and significantly improve road safety by combining advanced connected and autonomous vehic ...
Raising parking charges is a measure that restricts the use of private vehicles. With the introduction of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the demand for parking has the potential to reduce as CAVs may not park at ‘pay to park’ areas as they are able to “cruise” or retur ...
Safety evaluation is a critical aspect through the future stages of automation development. Since there is a lack of historical and generalizable safety data in high levels of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), a possible approach to follow is the microscopic simulation me ...
Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) are expected to be introduced in increasing numbers over the next decade based on the rapidly developing capability of modern technologies. The need for policies around the introduction of CCAM is starting to arise, based on th ...
Automation in urban freight transport is an important milestone for city logistics, but it will most likely be challenging due to the complex traffic situations. The aim of the present paper is to provide an insight in the impact assessment method used and the results related to ...
This study aims to quantify the safety impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) in mixed traffic environments in three calibrated and validated urban road networks including Manchester (UK), Leicester (UK), and Athens (GR). Road safety impacts were investigated through ...
The European Road Safety Decision Support System ( is an innovative system providing the available evidence on a broad range of road risks and possible countermeasures. This paper describes the scientific basis of the DSS. The structure underlying the DSS consis ...