Adaptable heat pump-assisted dividing-wall column design for intensified downstream processing of bio-propionic acid
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Propionic acid is a valuable platform chemical that is usually produced via fossil routes. As these are energy-intensive and eco-unfriendly processes, fermentative production of propionic acid is becoming more attractive. However, the complex downstream processing (due to low achievable product concentrations, high water content, presence of by-products and thermodynamic constraints), presents a potential barrier to scale-up this technology. This original research proposes a novel intensified large-scale (production capacity of ∼ 20 ktonne/y) process for the final recovery of propionic acid after the initial biomass and counterion removal. Vacuum distillation steps ensure the recovery of a high-purity succinic acid product (>99.9 wt%) and a water stream that may be recycled to the fermentation to reduce the fresh water requirements. The main unit that follows is a highly integrated heat pump-assisted dividing-wall column (DWC), which allows the effective separation of propionic (>99.9 wt%) and acetic acid (99.4 wt%) products. Alternatively, it can serve as a reactive DWC that performs the esterification and separation of methyl propionate (99.8 wt%), methyl acetate (91.0 wt%) as higher added value products, and water by-product. If needed, extractive distillation can be implemented additionally to recover methyl acetate at higher purity (99.9 wt%). Overall, both options are proven to be economically interesting (recovery costs of 0.399 – 0.469 $/kg considering the product price of 1.349 – 1.802 $/kg) and environmentally attractive (3.206 – 3.678 kWthh/kg).