Power Output Assessment of TetraSpar Floating Demonstrator: A Comparative Analysis between Actual Performance and Model Predictions
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In recent years, the use of renewable energy sources has increased significantly. As a result, offshore wind energy has expanded due to its advantages compared to onshore, such as steadier winds, reduced visual impact and lower noise emissions. However, 80% of the global offshore wind resource potential is located in areas with water depths greater than 60 meters, making the installation of fixed-bottom wind turbines unfeasible and leading to an increase in floating wind turbines. Floating offshore wind turbines, due to their increased freedom of movement, experience more complex aerodynamic and hydrodynamic phenomena, resulting in different power generation compared to fixed-bottom wind turbines. The effect of six degrees of freedom on power production has not been extensively studied in full-scale operating wind turbines. Additionally, a better prediction of energy production could also reduce the investment risk of floating wind turbines, leading to a reduced levelised cost of energy and better integration of floating wind turbines into a fully renewable energy system.
The aim of this report was to investigate the power generation and response of the TetraSpar demonstrator project, the world’s first fully industrialised floating offshore foundation. To achieve this, a model of the TetraSpar demonstrator was created in OpenFAST. Due to confidentiality, some data, particularly regarding the wind turbine, were unavailable and were instead based on scaling the NREL 5 MW wind turbine. In addition, the ROSCO controller was incorporated into the model and the floating platform was modelled as a six degrees of freedom rigid body.
For the validation of the OpenFAST model, a comparison was performed with the on-site TetraSpar demonstrator. Data for the on-site demonstrator regarding motions, metocean conditions and power generation were provided by RWE. Further filtering and averaging the data in 10-minute periods for an entire year was performed. First, three one-hour simulations were performed for three different operating conditions: cut-in, below rated and above rated. Results from time series and power spectral density analyses showed a good agreement in platform motions. For the generated power, the mean average produced power was closest to the on-site data in the above rated region.
Next, for the power curve and AEP estimation, the probability of occurrence for each wind speed in the operating region was determined based on the on-site measured data. Furthermore, for every wind speed, the most representative significant wave height, wave period, turbulence intensity and other parameters needed as inputs in OpenFAST were found. The results showed that the AEP predicted by OpenFAST was 2.8% lower than the AEP measured at the on-site TetraSpar demonstrator. Moreover, different peak shaving levels of the controller contributed to the AEP percentage difference, ranging from about 4.4% to 2.1% compared to the on-site measurements. As far as platform motions are concerned, the model showed good agreement, capturing the trend of mean values and standard deviations of the two most dominant motions in power production, surge and pitch. In addition, the effect of wave height and wave period showed that the mean generated power is slightly affected. Similar results were also found for different current velocities. However, waves were found to influence the oscillation amplitudes of surge and pitch motions, while currents mainly affected the shift in mean values. Lastly, wind-wave misalignment also proved to have a negative effect on power performance.
In conclusion, the current OpenFAST model can be used to estimate the energy production and platform motion of the TetraSpar demonstrator. However, further improvements and reduction of the assumptions made, mainly due to the unavailability of data because of confidentiality, could enhance its accuracy.