Polarized Vienna

Democracy and Public Space in the Urban Periphery

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The urban periphery of Vienna is becoming increasingly dense and its population increasingly diverse. These rapid changes contribute to new conflicts and political polarization. Inclusive spaces can help democratic and diverse societies to deal with these challenge. However, no comprehensive model of centrality has emerged in the periphery until today. Therefore, this project investigates today’s structure of public space and centrality in the district Donaustadt in the context of theories on social cohesion and democracy. Moreover, it takes a look at policies and planning processes to understand how space is currently being developed. Based on the results, potential strategies and interventions for the consolidation of public life are explored. The focus for these proposals lies on the axis Kagran-Stadlau as this area is under-represented in research as well as planning documents. Through this approach, the project aims at contributing to the challenge of adapting the outskirts of European cities to the changing requirements of their societies, a topic with relevance for many other locations outside Vienna.