Design, Modelling, and Optimisation of an Upper Stage Propulsion System for the Barracuda Sounding Rocket
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Sounding rockets are used in various research applications such as micro-gravity research, re-entry experiments and atmospheric measurements. They provide a low-cost alternative to orbital test platforms. A recent development in the field of sounding rocketry has been the development of steerable upper stages to enhance these capabilities.
To bring this capability to T-Minus Engineering and its miniaturised sounding rocket, the Barracuda, the development of an upper stage for this rocket was commenced. One of the key subsystems of this upper stage is propulsion system. This thesis addressed the design, modelling and mass-optimisation of this upper-stage propulsion system.
Based on previously developed technologies within T-Minus Engineering, a high-test peroxide and gasoline thruster was designed, utilising catalytic decomposition of the peroxide to auto-ignite the propellants while also using the peroxide regeneratively cool the combustion chamber. The outcome of this project will further guide the development of bi-propellant thrusters at T-Minus Engineering.