Redefining resource management in a fast growing urban setting
Explorations for regional innovation in Luxembourg
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Despite its small size Luxembourg has made a name for itself, even on a global level. This has to do with the importance of its financial centre, and, above all, with the country’s morally questionable tax principles. Which makes Luxembourg hit the headlines regularly. Renowned for its growing economy, stable political situation and a general high standard of living, to many Luxembourg might seem to be the ideal country. This is also reflected by Luxembourg’s continuous and rapid population growth, caused almost exclusively by immigration. In addition, massive commuter flows, and the related rising resource consumption cause major problems in the national territory (e.g. traffic jams, air pollution, excessive resource consumption). Due to these challenging conditions and the specific geography, Luxembourg constitutes an exceptional case study. In search of innovative solutions, this design and research project shows the possibilities for resource efficient planning by exploring the concept of transit-oriented development. With my thesis, I aim to analyse how resource efficiency can be achieved on a regional scale through important changes in current spatial development strategies. And thus, turn Luxembourg into ’smart Luxembourg’, a productive economic space, an ecologically sustainable society and a role model in resource management for other European countries. In particular, Luxembourg’s spatial configuration and its population adaptability can be advantageous in the process of becoming a laboratory for regional innovation.