Smart Traffic Management System

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Scenwise has developed the ScenarioDesigner to support road authorities in creating response plans. The response plans describe which actions the operator should take in order to manage different traffic situations such as accidents, large scale events This thesis elaborates on the process as well as the end-product created during the Bachelor End Project The BEP is a 10 week compulsory project to complete the Computer Science and Engineering program of the Delft University of Technology. It was conducted between 11 November 2019 and 11 February 2020. During the first two weeks the group focused on researching the problem, the possible solutions and traffic management in general. The subsequent 8 weeks were designated to the development of the product. The product was developed for ScenWise, a company that focuses on innovation within traffic management. In addition to evaluating the product, this thesis gives recommendations for a following group working on extending the product.
Finally, the group would like to thank the client ScenWise, specifically K.F. Chan for providing the project as well as teaching us about the domain knowledge of the client. Furthermore, the group wants to thank Dr. A. Katsifodimos for the coaching throughout the project as well as Ir. O.W. Visser for giving the opportunity to do the BEP in the second quarter of the academic year.
