Digital-Intensive Up-Converters for Wireless Communication
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This thesis focuses on digital-intensive up-converters for sub-6GHz wireless communication. Nowadays, wireless cellular communication is entering its 5th generation (5G), driven by the demand for faster mobile access and higher data throughput. 5G utilizes larger modulation bandwidths, higher-order modulations, and (many) more transmitters and receivers than its precessors, requiring higher system efficiency, flexibility, and integration of the transmitter (TX). An essential building block in the TX system is the RF modulator that converts the baseband data to an RF signal. New modulator architectures and circuits are required to handle the increased 5G modulation bandwidths linearly and energy-efficiently. Along with the progress in wireless communication, nano-scale CMOS technologies are advancing toward their physical limitations. Transistors have become smaller and more suited towards digital signal processing (DSP). Moreover, their high-frequency performance has improved, enabling RF analog/mixed-signal circuits. These improvements offer digital-intensive transmitters (DTXs) the opportunity to enter a territory that has been the traditional stronghold of analog-intensive TXs. Consequently, the research question of this dissertation is “What if we change the nature of the RF front-end, such that we can start truly benefiting from the power of CMOS in “digital” (switching) operations?” This thesis proposes new digital-intensive TX line-ups and up-converters architectures with enhanced linearity, bandwidth, and power efficiency to answer this question...