Gender & Stress

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The overwhelming majority of doctor visits are related to stress. When stress is studied the data is often not disaggregated based on gender, creating a gender data gap. Literature about mHealth apps with data analysis being disaggregated based on gender does not exist. In order to amend that, an experiment has been created where the perceived stress of participants is measured in the pre­test, followed by a manipulation video that presents stress as debilitating or enhancing in nature. A post­test measures the perceived stress again, collects demographics as well as life satisfaction, self­-control, and grit. Participants that joined via mHealth app Brainjam had their HRV measured as well. Manipulation videos have been found to be ineffective and were removed from data analysis. One statistically sig­nificant result depended on gender has been found. The duration of the experiment was affected by the perceived level of stress men reported, however, no significant difference was found in women.


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