Characterisation of the HollandPTC R&D proton beamline for physics and radiobiology studies
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HollandPTC is an independent outpatient center for proton therapy, scientific research, and education. Patients with different types of cancer are treated with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT). Additionally, the HollandPTC R&D consortium conducts scientific research into the added value and improvements of proton therapy. To this end, HollandPTC created clinical and pre-clinical research facilities including a versatile R&D proton beamline for various types of biologically and technologically oriented research. In this work, we present the characterization of the R&D proton beamline of HollandPTC. Its pencil beam mimics the one used for clinical IMPT, with energy ranging from 70 up to 240 MeV, which has been characterized in terms of shape, size, and intensity. For experiments that need a uniform field in depth and lateral directions, a dual ring passive scattering system has been designed, built, and characterized. With this system, field sizes between 2 × 2 cm2 and 20 × 20 cm2 with 98 % uniformity are produced with dose rates ranging from 0.5 Gy/min up to 9 Gy/min. The unique and customized support of the dual ring system allows switching between a pencil beam and a large field in a very simple and fast way, making the HollandPTC R&D proton beam able to support a wide range of different applications.
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