A larger statistical basis and a wider application area of a re-derived PPD equation in the (NEN-)EN-ISO 7730 model
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This paper has the objective to initiate a discussion on potential improvements or extension of the validity of the original equation of the Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD), according to (NEN-)EN-ISO 7730. This paper is to be regarded as a supplement to a paper on a re-derivation of the PMV equation in the Fanger model (Roelofsen, Jansen, and Vink 2021). In practice, in scientific research it regularly appears that the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), and by extension the PPD, are applied outside the range based on which the PMV and the PPD equation are derived. In practice, this can occur, for example, in the evaluation of the measurement or calculation of temperature exceedances in a room, for sedentary activities. As it turns out, a PMV equation with an application of −3 to 3, for at least sedentary activities, would be useful in the different fields of study. For that reason, Roelofsen has adapted the PMV equation in the (NEN-)EN-ISO model. But to what extent should the PPD equation also be adjusted? After all, the PPD is also derived from and limited to a PMV of −2 to 2, according to (NEN-)EN-ISO 7730.