Using an Evolutionary Algorithm to Create (MAX)-3SAT QUBOs

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A common way of solving satisfiability instances with quantum methods is to transform these instances into instances of QUBO. State-of-the-art transformations from MAX-3SAT to QUBO work by mapping clauses of a 3SAT formula associated with the MAX-3SAT instance to an instance of QUBO and combining the resulting QUBOs into a single QUBO instance representing the whole MAX-3SAT instance. As creating these transformations is currently done manually or via exhaustive search methods and is, therefore, algorithmically inefficient, we see potential for including search-based optimization. In this paper, we propose two methods of using evolutionary algorithms to create QUBO representations of MAX-3SAT problems automatically. We evaluate our created QUBOs on 500 and 1000-clause 3SAT formulae and find competitive performance to state-of-the-art baselines when using both classical and quantum annealing solvers.


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