Prediction of matrix crack initiation and evolution and their effect on the stiffness of laminates with off-axis plies under in-plane loading
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A model is described which allows the exact calculation of stresses in a cracked ply under combined state of strain. Closed form expressions for the stresses in each ply are combined in an energy density-based criterion to predict crack spacing and the resulting transverse modulus and shear modulus. Inelastic effects due to non-linearities of the ply-level shear stress-strain curve are accounted for through computation of the permanent shear strain in the ply. The model accounts for ply thickness, stacking sequence and load redistribution effects of a relatively broad class of laminates. Comparisons with test results for a variety of laminates and materials show very good to excellent agreement. The approach developed is extremely efficient and can easily be incorporated in numerical progressive failure analysis, where the stiffness properties of each element can be updated every time the crack pattern changes and in fatigue analysis where the stiffness of a ply or a laminate can be determined during every load cycle.
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