C. Kassapoglou

85 records found

A simulation methodology for assessing the damage in thick fabric Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composite laminates under low- and high-velocity impacts is presented. It encompasses steps for calibration, verification, and validation of the elastic and fracture material ...
Improvements in current design approaches require further studies of the damage interaction effects of composite materials subjected to repeated out-of-plane concentrated loads. To that end, a combined simulation and experimental investigation on composite laminate under repeated ...
The marine industry is increasingly considering the use of flexible composite marine propellers for their potential to reduce carbon emissions and underwater radiated noise. Given the early stage of development of flexible composite propellers, there are unknowns on their structu ...
Manufacturing variations in the automated fiber placement (AFP) process are one of the causes of gaps and overlaps. These manufacturing variations can be due to robot inaccuracy, tow lateral movement on the roller, tow width variation or tow compaction. An experimental setup was ...
The behavior of delaminations and fiber breakage resulting from three-point bending test is a major concern in the study of composites. This research focused on analyzing fiber breakage and delaminations in advanced placed ply composite laminates through a series of tests. In ord ...

Damage history in composite laminates

Matrix cracks leading to delaminations

Strain energy release rate calculations for various cases of delaminations emanating from matrix cracks are developed and used to predict the onset of delaminations and their growth size as a function of applied tension and shear loads in composite laminates. The method determine ...
Flexible composite marine propellers can aid the marine industry in reducing carbon emissions and underwater radiated noise pollution. The structural integrity of the blades can be assessed using structural health monitoring. One of these methods is the measurement and analysis o ...
The multimodal and dispersive character of ultrasonic guided waves (UGW) offers the potential for non-destructive evaluation of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) materials. In this study, a methodology for in situ stiffness assessment of FRCs using UGWs is introduced. The proposed ...
Fiber-reinforced composite materials are widely used in the aviation, civil, and shipbuilding industries. Especially the latter two industries are typically dealing with thicker composites. At the same time, in these industries the need for structural health monitoring, to assess ...
An approach to determine the specific energy dissipated during cyclic loading of metal alloys with load ratios between 0 and 1 is developed. The dissipated energy per cycle is determined by using a limiting procedure to obtain the area enclosed between successive loading and unlo ...
To improve current design approaches for composite structures, it is required to further investigate the damage interaction effects of composite materials under multiple out-of-plane concentrated loads. It is first necessary to comprehend the dependence of the effective delaminat ...
Manufacturing variations in the AFP process are one of the causes of gaps and overlaps. These manufacturing variations can be due to robot inaccuracy, tape lateral movement on the roller, tape width variation or tape compaction. These manufacturing variations result in incorrect ...
Impact experiments of thick fabric carbon/epoxy laminate specimens, with small thickness ratio, are conducted at distinct energy levels and thicknesses to characterise the damage process. These specimens and loading conditions are representative of a new generation of critical st ...
To develop a simplified and physically sound delamination-failure criterion, this paper reports a joint experimental and numerical study in which out-of-plane quasi-static indentations with different indentation forces were applied to the centre of fully clamped rectangular carbo ...
The effect of matrix and fibre cracks on the static strength and stiffness of uni-directional plies and cross-ply laminates under tensile loads was examined with the goal of understanding the main damage mechanisms. The size of matrix cracks emanating from cracked fibres was dete ...
Onset Theory (previously known as Strain Invariant Failure Theory) is a physics-based composite failure criterion attempting to predict failure at the level of constituents rather than for a homogenized ply. Applying Onset Theory correctly requires a number of steps. As a startin ...
On the 15t hof December 1965 the motion picture “Flight of the Phoenix” was released in the United States of America theatres. In the closing movie credits the following text is shown:It should be remembered. . . that Paul Mantz, a fine man and a brilliant flyer gave his life in ...
Marine propellers made of fibre-reinforced composites have demonstrated the potential to outperform metallic propellers in terms of efficiency and under-water noise radiation. For full realisation of this potential in a tailored design process with realistic constraints, accurate ...
The recording and processing of acoustic emissions can be used to identify and localise damage mechanisms occurring in engineering structures. In plate-like structures, acoustic emissions propagate through the structure as guided waves. With a measurement location away from the s ...
The mechanical performance of laminated composite structures can be improved significantly by spatially varying the stiffness properties within the laminate, resulting in a so-called Variable Stiffness (VS) laminate. Typically, the stiffness variation in VS laminates is achieved ...