Flight deck procedures for a new generation of pilots
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This paper considers the combined effect of two trends in commercial aviation. On the one hand, there is a continuing demand for pilots, implying that a new generation of pilots, will soon be flying our aircraft. On the other hand, legal aspects have had an adverse effect on innovation in the safety level of established procedures, leading to a trend for aircraft operating companies to adopt manufacturer’s recommended flight deck procedures rather than reviewing these and adapting these where appropriate to local needs. However, with the influx of new pilots to the workforce, the lack of innovation and adaptation of flight deck procedures poses a safety treat. The safety level of the aviation industry relies on the experience of the individual operator (pilot), the demands of the tasks and the available support tools. If the experience is not in the operator (pilot) we have to put the experience in the procedures to maintain the existing safety level in aviation. This conference paper is a plea to develop type, and operation, specific flightdeck procedures, adapted to present day operation and usable by the future pilot population.