Calculating the rolling resistance directly from the kinematics and handrim-forces of the wheelchair user during manual wheelchair propulsion using an inverse dynamics simulation model
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The main resistive force acting on the wheelchair during manual wheelchair propulsion is the rolling resistance. The magnitude of this rolling resistance is heavily influenced by the actions of the wheelchair user. By optimizing how wheelchair athletes move, this rolling resistance can be minimized, thereby improving their effective power output. However, in scientific literature, there are no dynamic models that analyze the direct effect of the wheelchair user’s actions on the rolling resistance. To fill this research gap, this master thesis was initiated. In this master thesis, a simulation model is created that can calculate the rolling resistance directly from the wheelchair user’s actions. This inverse dynamic model was created by combining a dynamical model that calculates the rolling resistance with a segmented model of the wheelchair user. To test this simulation model data were gathered using coasting tests and manual wheelchair propulsion tests. The first results were promising. The results of the calculated rolling resistance seemed plausible and the effect of the wheelchair user’s actions was clearly visible. This makes this simulation model a useful tool to analyze the effect of the wheelchair user’s actions on the rolling resistance. The most important factor in determining the magnitude of the rolling resistance appeared to be the thorax angle. This is in accordance with scientific literature, as leaning forwards shifts the weight distribution forwards. Multiple studies show that shifting the weight distribution forwards causes a significant increase in the magnitude of the rolling resistance. Further research to confirm the validity of this simulation model is still required.