Minimizing the Long-tail Problem in Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender Systems Using Clustering

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Recommender systems are an essential part of online businesses in today's day and age. They provide users with meaningful recommendations for items and products. A frequently occurring problem in recommender systems is known as the long-tail problem. It refers to a situation in which a majority of the items in the data set have limited ratings due to which many recommender systems, especially collaborative filtering based methods, are not able to recommend these items, also known as long-tail items. Although popular items are easier to recommend, it has been noticed that long-tail items often generate a significant fraction of the revenue and therefore should also be recommended to users. This paper proposes a modified version of a collaborative filtering based recommender system aimed to reduce the effects of the long-tail recommendation problem (LTRP). The algorithm first splits the data set into the head H and the tail T and clusters the items from the tail. The average rating avg for each cluster is calculated and for all users and their unrated long-tail items, the rating for that item is set to avg with a probability of p. Now the standard collaborative filtering algorithm is run with the newly inserted ratings. The inserted ratings reduce the sparsity of the data set and therefore make it easier to recommend long-tail items. Empirical experiments on the 100K MovieLens data set indicate that the proposed algorithm recommends more long-tail items than the standard collaborative filtering algorithm, thus reducing the effects of the LTRP while maintaining the same or a slightly lower accuracy of the recommender system.