Partitioned fluid–structure–acoustics interaction on distributed data

Numerical results and visualization

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We present a coupled simulation approach for fluid–structure–acoustic interactions (FSAI) as an example for strongly surface coupled multi-physics problems. In addition to the multi-physics character, FSAI feature multi-scale properties as a further challenge. In our partitioned approach, the problem is split into spatially separated subdomains interacting via coupling surfaces. Within each subdomain, scalable, single-physics solvers are used to solve the respective equation systems. The surface coupling between them is realized with the scalable open-source coupling tool preCICE described in the “Partitioned Fluid–Structure– Acoustics Interaction on Distributed Data: Coupling via preCICE”. We show how this approach enables the use of existing solvers and present the overall scaling behavior for a three-dimensional test case with a bending tower generating acoustic waves.We run this simulation with different solvers demonstrating the performance of various solvers and the flexibility of the partitioned approach with the coupling tool preCICE. An efficient and scalable in-situ visualization reducing the amount of data in place at the simulation processors before sending them over the network or to a file system completes the simulation environment.