Adaptive Prognostics

A reliable RUL approach

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In the past decade, data-driven methodologies have gained increasing popularity, offering a foundation for predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of engineering systems and structures using condition monitoring (CM) data. A particularly intriguing challenge lies in accurately predicting the RUL of systems that exhibit exceptional performance, whether underperforming or overperforming, owing to unforeseen phenomena occurring during their operational life. These unique systems, often referred to as outliers, pose a formidable challenge for RUL prediction. This research addresses this challenge by introducing a novel data-driven model, which is known as the Similarity Learning Hidden Semi-Markov Model (SLHSMM) and extends the capabilities of the Non-Homogeneous Hidden Semi-Markov Model (NHHSMM). The training dataset comprises strain data obtained from open-hole carbon-epoxy specimens exposed solely to fatigue loading. In contrast, the validation-testing dataset includes strain data from two specimens subjected to both fatigue and in-situ impact loading, representing an unexpected and previously unseen event in the training data. The study compares RUL estimations generated by the SLHSMM and NHHSMM. The results indicate that the SLHSMM outperforms the NHHSMM, offering superior accuracy in predicting outliers' RUL. This underscores its capability to adapt to unexpected phenomena and seamlessly incorporate unforeseen data into prognostics.
