De Blokjeskaart
De eerste nationale plankaart over de ruimtelijke inrichting van Nederland
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The ‘Blokjeskaart’: the first national planning map on the spatial layout of the Netherlands
The so-called Blokjeskaart, published in 1966 as part of the Second Policy Document on Spatial Planning in the Netherlands, is the first detailed national spatial planning map of the Netherlands and also the first comprehensive government policy statement on the future layout of the Netherlands. This article briefly outlines how this map is an amalgam of diverse sources and of various mapping and research traditions, such as the cartogram from the late 19th century, survey-before-plan cartographic research from the 1920s and 1930s and the so-called balls map, which shows the distribution of population concentrations across the Netherlands around 2000.
File under embargo until 01-08-2025