Database collecting in-plane test results of urm piers with bricks and blocks
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In this paper, a database collecting the results of 188 in-plane cyclic tests on unreinforced masonry piers with bricks and blocks, constituted of different masonry materials, bed- and head-joint typologies, dimensions, boundary conditions, applied vertical loads and horizontal loading history, is presented.
The database, which will be freely shared, is organized in eight sections regarding general information and reference, information on masonry type, units and mortar, information on masonry walls, test conditions, estimated lateral resistances, experimental results of the cyclic tests, parameters of the bilinear curves and drift capacities.
A preliminary investigation on the in-plane displacement capacity of the walls is also proposed since it represents one of the main parameter to be used in the global seismic analyses for the design/assessment of masonry buildings. Particular attention has been dedicated to the evaluation of the displacement capacity at different limit states in relation with European codes.
Although the database, at the present stage, already contains several specimens, it will be continuously updated since this source of information of consistent and reliable test results represents a necessary step into the process of definition of shared rules in the European context, with particular reference to the definition of specific performance limit states and related capacity models for the in-plane seismic response of structural masonry walls.
Keywords: URM piers; bricks and blocks; in-plane cyclic tests; database; displacement capacity
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