Dominant higher-order vortex gyromodes in circular magnetic nanodots
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The transition to the third dimension enables the creation of spintronic nanodevices with significantly enhanced functionality compared to traditional 2D magnetic applications. In this study, we extend common two-dimensional magnetic vortex configurations, which are known for their efficient dynamical response to external stimuli without a bias magnetic field, into the third dimension. This extension results in a substantial increase in vortex frequency, reaching up to 5 GHz, compared to the typical sub-GHz range observed in planar vortex oscillators. A systematic study reveals a complex pattern of vortex excitation modes, explaining the decrease in the lowest gyrotropic mode frequency, the inversion of vortex mode intensities, and the nontrivial spatial distribution of vortex dynamical magnetization noted in previous research. These phenomena enable the optimization of both oscillation frequency and frequency reproducibility, minimizing the impact of uncontrolled size variations in those magnetic nanodevices.