A Numerical Approach for the Evaluation of the Local Stress Ratio in Fatigue-Driven Delamination Analysis

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An approach based on the cohesive zone model for analyzing fatigue-driven delamination in composite structures under cyclic loading is presented. The proposed technique, called “Min-Max Load Approach”, is able to dynamically capture the local stress ratio during the evolution of damage. The possibility to know the local stress ratio is relevant in all the situations where its value is different from the applied load ratio and cannot be determined a priori. In a single Finite Element analysis, two identical models are analyzed with two different constant loads, the minimum and the maximum load during the fatigue cycle. The implemented methodology allows the two models to interact with each other, by exchanging information to correctly calculate the crack growth rate. At first, the approach has been validated in simulations of mode I and mixed-mode propagation by using Double Cantilever Beam and Mixed-Mode Bending. Then, to prove the effectiveness of the developed methodology, a modified version of the Mixed-Mode Bending test has been numerically investigated. In this test, the mode I and mode II components of the load are decoupled and applied independently, resulting in a local stress ratio different from the applied load ratio.


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