Experimental Characterization of the Airflow within a Car Cabin
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The ventilation flow in a car cabin has been experimentally investigated. The study has been carried out in a car commercially available, by testing one ventilation mode (panel-vent mode) at one fan strength (level 3 of the 4 available) with fresh air intake (without any re-circulation). The flow velocity at the exit of the vents has been measured using a 5-hole pressure probe. The flow velocity fields inside the car cabin have been measured by particle image velocimetry (PIV) in three longitudinal sections: (i) the car centre plane, including both the front and rear area; (ii) the driver's seat centre plane, only in the front area; (iii) the passenger's seat centre plane, only in the front area. At these longitudinal planes, the time-average flow velocity is presented and discussed. The experimental results provide new insights in the ventilation flow in a car cabin.