A Physics-Based approach for Rating Curves to Reduce Uncertainties
A New Concept for Hydrological Model Calibration
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The direct measurement of discharges in rivers can be time-consuming and costly. The discharge is commonly estimated indirectly by means of a curve, relating water level to discharge. This so-called rating curve is traditionally determined by fitting a curve to a number of observations, which induces several uncertainties and difficulties: 1) the curve is approximated by a function type, 2) in general there are no observations for high flow conditions and 3) it needs to updated regularly due to cross sectional changes.
In this research a physics-based rating curve is developed and evaluated that is more reliable and easy to update. By the use of a photogrammetry techtnique 3D surface maps of river banks are generated by pictures obtained from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The topography of the main channel is determined by using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) or it is approximated by the making use of expert judgement and the method developed by Lane (relates the water depth of the channel to the width and natural angle of repose). By knowing the geometric profile of a river reach, only the roughness coefficient and water surface slope are the unknown parameters to derive the rating curve, where the Manning’s formula acts as the basis of the rating curve. In this way, the rating curves can be made physically substantiated and the calibration parameter is the combination of roughness and water surface slope.
Instead of using the power law function as a approximate function of the rating curve, it is used as approximation of the conveyance-water level relationship. Therefore, the exponents in the power law function are physical substantiated and reduce uncertainties in the extrapolation zone of the traditional method, because the profile during high flow conditions is also known. Further more, the local invariabilities that are specific to single cross-section analyses are minimized by analysing river reaches. It is demonstrated that local invariabilities arises easily in natural rivers that are causing non-uniform flows, which make in general the the open-channel flow analysis much more complex. However, the average conveyance of a reach may led to the a valid assumption of a uniform flow (which is part of the assumption in the Manning’s formula), depending on how the local variabilities behave. The calibration of rating curves are much easier compared with the traditional way. Instead of collecting new discharge
measurements during dispersed flows, you just have to visit the area ones with a drone and surveying equipment. During this visit, the new new geometric profile can be captured and the rating curve can be updated, assuming that the roughness and water surface slope remains constant.