Inter-relational territories
A new interplay between pre- and inner-alpine areas for future water use
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The Alps, also called the ‘water tower’ of Europe, are one of the biggest freshwater reserves of the continent, extending over seven countries. However, due to climate change, resulting in melting glaciers and more frequent dry periods, the availability of fresh water is seasonally changing and overall, decreasing in the future. This conflicts not only with the growing demand provoked by ongoing urbanization processes in and around the Alpine Arc, but also a rising interest in economic sectors like tourism and hydro power. This project proposes a new interplay between pre- and inner-alpine areas by giving particular consideration to the natural environment. It seeks to coordinate the use for water as a resource under the framework of institutional thickness. Thereby it explores national planning cultures, existing cooperation programmes and the added value of a macro-regional strategy for the integral management of hydraulic resources in the alpine context. Finally, a seasonal development strategy in a case study region is designed as a possible translation of a macro-regional strategy into space.