GraphCCI: Critical Components Identification for Enhancing Security of Cyber-Physical Power Systems
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Cyber security risks are emerging in Cyber-Physical power Systems (CPS) due to the increasing integration of cyber and physical infrastructures. Critical component identification is a crucial task for the mitigation and prevention of catastrophic blackouts. In this paper, we propose a novel method using graph data mining for critical CPS components identification named GraphCCI. First, it defines two categories of component correlations to reveal the cascading features of CPS. GraphCCI maps cascading failure datasets under time-varying operational states into weighted cascading graphs and constructs a graph database for graph data mining. By adopting graph data mining techniques, frequent subgraphs are identified to construct the Cascading Characteristics Graph (CC-Graph). Finally, the Node Criticality Index (NC-Index) is proposed to quantify the criticality of each CPS component. The experimental results on the IEEE 39-bus system verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and present an in-depth analysis of the CPS cascading features.