Object registration techniques for 3D particle tracking
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Image based three-dimensional (3D) particle tracking is currently the most widely used technique for volumetric velocity measurements. Inspecting the flow-field around an object is however, hampered by the latter, obstructing the view across it. In this study, the problem of measurement limitations due to the above is addressed. The present work builds upon the recent proposal from Wieneke and Rockstroh (2024 Meas. Sci. Technol. 35 055303), whereby the information of the occluded lines of sight can be incorporated into the particle tracking algorithm. The approach, however, necessitates methods that accurately evaluate the shape and position of the object within the measurement domain. Methods of object marking and the following 3D registration of a digital object model (CAD) are discussed. For the latter, the iterative closest point registration algorithm is adopted. The accuracy of object registration is evaluated by means of experiments, where marking approaches that include physical and optically projected markers are discussed and compared. Three objects with growing level of geometrical complexity are considered: a cube, a truncated wing and a scaled model of a sport cyclist. The registered CAD representations of the physical objects are included in aerodynamic experiments, and the flow field is measured by means of large-scale particle tracking using helium filled soap bubbles. Results indicate that object registration enables a correct reconstruction of flow tracers within regions otherwise affected by domain clipping as a consequence of obstructed camera lines-of-sight. Finally, the combined visualization of the object and the surrounding flow pattern offers means of insightful data inspection and interpretation, along with posing a basis for particle image velocimetry data assimilation at the fluid-solid interface.