Quarantine Architecture

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The deadly COVID-19 virus is wreaking havoc throughout the globe. In the past two years, architects had to rethink certain forms of spatial organization to contain the spread of the pandemic. This thesis explores how pandemics and deadly diseases were dealt with and shows the forgotten design principles of the past. To prevent infectious diseases from coming ashore and affecting cities, several institutions were established throughout the Netherlands. Quarantine stations are created as architectural representations of isolation with impenetrable areas at a country entrance. This leads to the main question adressed in this thesis: How were Dutch quarantine stations for humans organized from a geographical and architectural point of view?
This study first looks at the origin of quarantine stations. Furthermore, research is done into the legislation and policy in the Netherlands. This part explains the reason for building Quarantine Stations in the Netherlands. Finally, Quarantine Station Heijplaat and two additional Dutch stations are researched as a case study.
