Installation of perforated monopiles

And the associated fatigue damage

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The European offshore wind industry has experienced significant growth in the past decade, mainly focusing on shallow areas in the North Sea to reduce the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCoE) and compete with fossil fuels. However, as shallow areas become scarcer and the industry seeks greater independence from government subsidies, a shift towards deeper waters is anticipated, and already observed in Europe. In the northern part of the North Sea (60-120 meters deep), jacket foundations are currently favoured, despite drawbacks such as extensive engineering efforts, weld requirements, challenging series production, and high costs. This misalignment with the industry's LCoE reduction goal highlights the need for a technologically viable and economically attractive foundation concept for waters in the 60-120-meter range.

To combat this challenge, perforated monopiles are being developed. The perforated monopile consists of a monopile with perforations, either circular or elliptical, around the splash zone, with the goal of reducing the frontal area, and thus reducing the hydrodynamic loads on the structure. These concepts aim to combine the ease of manufacturing of a monopile, with the reduced area affected by hydrodynamic loads that are common for jacket structures. The research done so far on these perforated monopiles has only looked at the reduction in hydrodynamic loads, which have proven significant. These reductions in hydrodynamic loads should enable the perforated monopiles to be used in deeper waters compared to regular, non-perforated, monopiles. They could provide a tempting alternative for the more expensive jacket structures, but more research is necessary, especially in analyzing other loads that the perforated monopile may be subject to.

This thesis aims to look at one such different load that affects this perforated monopile, namely the installation loads induced by hammering. The first part of this thesis will look at stresses and fatigue damage during the installation of non-perforated monopiles. The second part will analyze the increased stresses, possible losses in hammer energy, and increased fatigue damage, all due to the presence of perforations. Finally, several alternatives, such as different geometries of perforations and different hammer loads will be analyzed with regard to their effect on fatigue damage.

The fatigue damage due to installation is found to increase significantly due to the presence of perforations, increasing from 5% for non-perforated monopiles, to up to 118% and 112% for the two most promising geometries analyzed, thus proving a show-stopper for installation via impact hammer, if no measures are taken.

Changing certain parameters, however, either the geometries of the perforations, or the characteristics of the hammer used, shows that installation is indeed possible. Using different geometries of perforations, that maintain a significant reduction in area, shows installation is possible, whilst limiting the fatigue damage to 53%. A reduction in hammer force by a factor of 2, also decreases the fatigue damage by 34% on average. The use of a so-called vibro-hammer also shows promising, resulting in a halving of the fatigue damage compared to the use of an impact hammer, but more research needs to be done to confirm this final finding.

To conclude, this research shows that installation of a perforated monopile is possible, although most, if not all of the reduction in fatigue damage due to hydrodynamic loading is cancelled out by the increase in fatigue damage due to installation. Geometries and installation methods may exist that improve the fatigue life of the structure, but this research was unable to find them. Future research may be able to find geometries and installation loads that do reduce overall fatigue damage.

Further research is also necessary before perforated monopiles can be taken into service, such as the confirmation of the energy losses in installation due to perforations. Also, several other load cases need to be analyzed, to ensure the perforated monopile survives its designed lifetime.
