Creating better product communication by using Storytelling and Cultura

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The central goal of this master thesis is to improve the product communication of local SMEs in low-wage markets, by improving the advisory support given to these SMEs by BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc). BoPInc provides two-day trainings to support the SMEs on innovating their marketing and distribution. Currently, the SMEs are challenged by the implementation process of the training outcomes. The goal of this assignment was to improve the process of implementing the training outcomes.First, the current advisory support process and the training tools of BoPInc were analysed to identify the main changes that need to be made within the process. Two solution spaces were identified for which additional literature has been found. This literature address these solution spaces. To include more explicit insights into the training, the Cultura wheel (Hao, van Boeijen, & Jan Stappers, 2017) has been used. To create more practical outcomes of the training, Storytelling has been included. Both theories were reviewed, and together with the BoPInc knowledge taken towards the next phase of this project.During a Case study, this knowledge was combined and used to design a communication plan for an Ugandan SME that designs, produces and markets clean cooking stoves. During a three week full immersion, the cultural context, end user, current usage and current interactions were explored. These insights were structured and formed the desired interaction. Finally, a communication plan was designed. This communication plan targets low income peri-urban women during their community group meetings.The communication materials were designed with the use of Storytelling, while the insights were included in this design by using the Cultura wheel. Reflecting on the overall process, this thesis resulted in starting point of advice for BoPInc on the improvement of its current trainings. Two canvases were designed, a Cultura Canvas and a Storytelling Canvas. Together they create more practical outcomes of the trainings, while including insights of the cultural context.