A\Wakening Essenburgpark
Explorations on how to design for the wild
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'A Wakening' entails a coming home to our innate essence of what it means to be human and living as part of this interconnected web of life. Through being present with the now, we can envision and work towards desired, collective, and whole futures for all on this earth. 'A Wakening' should be patient. For me, the first step in waking up is to dream. Dream more and deeper and lose myself, first trusting soil and gut and instincts. It is only coming out of the pure egoless dream of making and noticing that 'A Wakening' might be useful to me and, by extension, to the turbulent times we live in. Those whose work I admire are rooted and quiet and know how to go deep and slow and feel things before acting on them. Meanwhile, the earth itself may be waking up and considering spitting us all out.