Plausible factors affecting controversial policy acceptance

An exploratory study

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Controversial policies have always been subjected to severe social scrutiny and opposition. With the rise of megacities and complex transportation networks, there has been significant growth in the number of controversial policies in the field of transportation. There has been substantial research in the past regarding transport policies, their implementation and their acceptance. But most of these research focuses on particular factors that influence the acceptance of transport policies, and some of them focus on the acceptance levels before and after implementation of a policy. But, there is insignificant research that explains the acceptance of a controversial transport policy as a whole combining various factors from different domains and also focusing on the increase in acceptance after the implementation. This thesis aimed to fill the above-mentioned gap in research by systematically developing a theoretical list of factors influencing the acceptance of a controversial policy with the help of a thorough literature study, and furthermore observing the level of influence of these factors by performing a small-scale case study.
