Autonomous Wireless Charging System for Robot Swarms

Robot Control and Navigation

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The goal of this thesis is to develop a ROS package that facilitates the control and navigation of a Duckiebot robot. With the rise of robot swarms the need for autonomous charging system for robots is increasing. An implementation for decentralised autonomous behaviour for a Duckiebot for a wireless charging system in a Duckietown environment is discussed. The devised system is divided among three different modules and is implemented in ROS:
• An image recognition module;
• A navigation module;
• A motion control module;
The image recognition module uses linear image processing techniques and YOLO object detection in order to detect objects in images from the robots front facing camera. It detects traffic lights and road markings in order to tell the robot where to go.

The navigation module uses odometry to keep track of the robots current position. The odometry is reset in order to maintain accuracy. When the battery of the robot reaches a certain point the robot will decide to
charge. It will then initiate path finding using Lee’s algorithm in order to find a path to a charging park.

Finally the motion control processes all the information in order to drive the wheels of the robot.
The system is thought to be able to navigate to a charging station, charge and then leave the charging station using the designed ROS package.


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