Mechanisms to Housing Rights implementation in Barcelona
Balancing act between private landlords and low-income tenants
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In recent years, Barcelona has been a pioneer in the implementation of PRO-Housing Right policies. Unfortunately, these measures can be considered too radical and not necessarily efficient in a long-term scenario. Private landlords are at the center of this challenge, being that they are the stakeholder that might potentially be the solution and negotiate a balance between the two sides of the coin. On the one hand, a housing rental real estate market is shown that depends on the owners and investors, so its stability is dictated by the interest and the ttractiveness it has. Cases such as Real Estate Investment Trusts are the financial
mechanism that allows indirect investment to come to the city and higher tax collection that is reflected in the infrastructure of the city. On the other, big private landlords such as opportunistic private equity funds are responsible for managing the properties and, therefore, responsible for the conditions of the tenants. Which, in recent years, have been affected the adequacy of the house. In this way, the question that will guide this research arises, what are the challenges between real estate management models and securing housing rights for low-income tenants in Barcelona? Articles, policy documents, and annual reports will be investigated to explore the investment practices of different companies (to be defined). To establish a complete view of the local investment practices of the SOCIMIs studied. The research will be divided in three sections fallowing the logic of the research questions.