Two-photon polymerized scaffolds for neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells

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The central nervous system has a very limited capacity to regenerate damaged tissue. Therefore, regeneration strategies focus on transplantation of neural stem cells or differentiated neural cells. In order to make such a treatment effective, it is important to understand the mechanisms that enable cell differentiation. It is well known that besides biochemical cues, also mechanical and geometric properties of the cell environment, such as topography, curvature and stiffness, can influence the process, which has been studied mostly in 2D. In order to conduct relevant cell studies in vitro, it is therefore important to mimic the 3D structure of the in-vivo cell environment. Many different approaches have been adopted to create scaffolds for neuronal cells, such as freeze-drying, electrospinning and stereolitography. The main drawbacks of these methods are the limited resolution and the constraints in terms of achievable geometries. Two-photon polymerization overcomes these problems by using a laser to polymerize a photosensitive material in extremely confined volumes, achieving a submicrometric resolution. In this study, we fabricated 3D microscaffolds made of an acrylate polymer called IP-Dip by employing two-photon polymerization in order to study the effect of curved versus straight lattice geometries on the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into neural progenitor cells. First, feasibility studies were carried out with HeLa cancer cells and the effect of curvature on these cells was investigated on 2.5D structures. We established a workflow for conducting these experiments from the fabrication up until the analysis. By employing confocal imaging, image stacks were obtained and then analysed to obtain the volumetric cell occupancy of the scaffolds and identify the location of the cells within the scaffolds. We concluded that mESCs could successfully grow and differentiate within the 3D scaffolds without a specific preference for a curved over a straight lattice structure.


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- Embargo expired in 01-01-2024