The NEOtrap – en route with a new single-molecule technique
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This paper provides a perspective on potential applications of a new single-molecule technique, viz., the nanopore electro-osmotic trap (NEOtrap). This solid-state nanopore-based method uses locally induced electro-osmosis to form a hydrodynamic trap for single molecules. Ionic current recordings allow one to study an unlabeled protein or nanoparticle of arbitrary charge that can be held in the nanopore's most sensitive region for very long times. After motivating the need for improved single-molecule technologies, we sketch various possible technical extensions and combinations of the NEOtrap. We lay out diverse applications in biosensing, enzymology, protein folding, protein dynamics, fingerprinting of proteins, detecting post-translational modifications, and all that at the level of single proteins – illustrating the unique versatility and potential of the NEOtrap.
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