Optimizing Offshore Cable Operations

A study Identifying, Quantifying and Implementing Limiting Motions for Cable Lay Operations

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Offshore contractors use special cable laying vessels (CLV’s) in order to install subsea power cables, which transport offshore generated energy. Workability studies are performed to evaluate whether operations can be performed or not. These workability studies are subsequently a combination between operability assessments (performed in OrcaFlex months prior to operation) and forecasted weather windows. During the operability assessment, eventually limiting sea states are defined which are expressed in significant wave height (Hs), wave peak period (Tp) and incident wave angle relative to the vessel heading (a). If the forecasted weather windows exceed the predefined limiting sea states, operations cannot be executed. These current workability assessments are based on 1D JONSWAP spectra. This thesis contains an exploratory study of implementing a motion-based forecasting (MBF) method into workability studies, based on 2D wave spectra. This is done by focusing on the motions at the chute of the CLV, as this is where the subsea power cable leaves the CLV. Before MBF can be implemented, however, at first a specific limiting motion predictor needs to be identified that covers the cables integrity limits. Furthermore, this limiting motion needs to be quantified as well in order to compare this essentially composed new cable limit with MBF predicted chute motions. Subsequently, all cable integrity criteria need to be converted into this limiting motion to preserve the subsea power cables integrity. For normal cable lay operations, eventually all mechanical properties and cable limits are covered by three main cable integrity criteria. These are minimum bending radius (MBR), minimum bottom tension (BT) and maximum top tension (TT). By means of modelling a lot of various environmental loading conditions, the research described in this thesis shows that the chute z velocity is eventually indicated as a proper limiting motion predictor. Out of all investigated chute motions, chute z velocity (which represents the vertical velocity of the chute) shows the best correlations with the aforementioned cable integrity criteria. To determine workability by implementing motion based forecasting, this limiting chute z velocity needs to be quantified. The chute z velocity needs to account for all three main cable integrity limits, hence these limits are essentially converted into one single chute z velocity limit (which is essentially a new introduced cable limit). To quantify this limiting chute z velocity not the entire relation is of interest, but only the range close to breaching the cable integrity limits. Therefore, a percentile line method is introduced which is constructed on the 90th-percentile values per bin. Based on this research, it was found that binwidths must not exceed values of 0.5m/s to obtain robust results. However, no minimum amount of data points per bin was established as this varied for all assessed subsea power cables. Finally, workability studies of the current 1D JONSWAP (based on a single Hs −Tp sea state) method was compared to a 2D superimposed JONSWAP accounting for both swell and wind wave contributions. This comparison indicates that when determining workability based on more detailed 2D spectra, the workability study provides more smoothed results. This means, the higher chute z velocity peaks from the 1D total sea state are downscaled when simulating a 2D spectrum, whereas the lower chute z velocity peaks from the 1D total sea state are upscaled when implementing a 2D spectrum. The obtained motion-based chute z velocity forecasts indicate that optimization is possible by splitting the total sea states into both swell and sea waves contributions and accounting for wave spreading.


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