Frequency Support Provided by Inverted Based-Generation Using Grid-Forming Controllers
A Comparison During Islanded Operation
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Inverter based generation (IBG) is a necessary technology in the energy transition and reaching ambitious objectives of zero-net emission. However, the colossal penetration of IBG may create several issues. Using Voltage source converters (VSCs) equipped with the so-called grid forming control is thought of as a long-term solution of IBG-dominated power systems. This paper shows a glance of the dynamic performance during a system frequency event (SFE) considering three of the most common grid forming controller types used to emulate synchronous generation operation: Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM), the Synchronverter and grid forming droop control; and compared with a classic synchronous generator (SG). Numerical results of time-domain simulations of a tests system show the enormous advantage of the grid-forming converters controls to provide an extremely fast frequency response when compared to the case of the traditional SG.