FPGA-Based High Throughput Merge Sorter
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As database systems have shifted from disk-based to in-memory, and the scale of the database in big data analysis increases significantly, the workloads analyzing huge datasets are growing. Adopting FPGAs as hardware accelerators improves the flexibility, parallelism and power consumption versus CPU-only systems. The accelerators are also required to keep up with high memory bandwidth provided by advanced memory technologies and new interconnect interfaces. Sorting is the most fundamental database operation. In multiple-pass merge sorting, the final pass of the merge operation requires significant throughput performance to keep up with the high memory bandwidth. We study the state-of-the-art hardware-based sorters and present an analysis of our own design. In this thesis, we present an FPGA-based odd-even merge sorter which features throughput of 27.18 GB/s when merging 4 streams. Our design also presents stable throughput performance when the number of input streams is increased due to its high degree of parallelism. Thanks to such a generic design, the odd-even merge sorter does not suffer throughput drop for skewed data distributions and presents constant performance over various kinds of input distributions.