Nonlinear stall-induced instability analysis of a parked rotor
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Numerous dynamic stall models exist to improve aerodynamic modelling. As such, they play an integral part in aeroelastic analyses. In numerous publications, their qualitative damping effect on stall-induced instabilities of wind turbine blades compared to using quasi-steady aerodynamics has been proven. However, often different dynamic stall models are used without consideration of quantitative differences between aeroelastic predictions. Thus, the goal of this thesis is to quantify the damping effect of dynamic stall models on stall-induced instabilities. A model used in HAWC2, openFAST, one developed by IAG, and one unpublished model are compared amongst each other and in comparison to predictions with quasi-steady aerodynamics. A typical blade section at 75 % span of the DTU 10 MW reference wind turbine is modelled. The blade the section belongs to is facing vertically up at a pitch angle of 90° in parked conditions. The inflow ranges from 5 m/s to 50 m/s with yaw-misalignment angles from -25° to 25°. In comparison to using quasi-steady aerodynamics, the dynamic stall model from openFAST reduces the amplitude of edgewise limit cycle oscillations from maxima of 22.5 m to 7.2 m. The model from HAWC2 further reduces the maxima to 5.4 m. No edgewise limit cycle oscillations occur using the IAG or unpublished model. Instabilities other than limit cycle oscillations are not predicted. Analyses of the time series of dynamic stall parameters, dynamic lift, drag, and moment power, as well as the unsteady force and moment coefficient loops and aeroelastic damping ratios, did not trivially explain the models' different predictions.