Tools to Measure and Manage Adding Value by FM and CREM

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This chapter connects the simple Value Adding Management (VAM) model from chapter 1 to the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, also known as the Deming cycle. The Plan-phase is related to the input part of the VAM-model. It includes a strategic analysis to identify the drivers to change, to define the organisational and related FM/CREM objectives, and to explore internal and external conditions. Furthermore strategic choices have to be made of interventions that are expected to add most value to the organisation. The Do-phase regards the throughput part and is called ‘strategy-inaction’. Its focus is on the implementation of change and change management. The Check-phase elaborates the output/outcome part of the VAM model. In includes a check whether the interventions have resulted in improved performance of FM and CREM (output), whether the output improves organisational performance (outcome), whether the outcome fits with the organisational objectives and as such adds value to the organisation, and what side effects (positive or negative) have come to the fore. This step includes performance measurement and evaluation of appropriate KPIs. The findings form the basis for the Act-phase, where decisions on further actions are considered, e.g. extend the current interventions, reconsider other interventions, or redefine the organisational objectives.


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